PRINT: ISSN 2221-1896
ONLINE : ISSN 2223-0343

Use of coconut milk as an extender for cock semen

*Cosmas C. Ogbu1, Simeon O.C. Ugwu2 and Chidimma V. Ezebili2

1College of Veterinary Medicine, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike; 2Department of Animal Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka


The study was carried out to evaluate the effects of heated and unheated coconut milk (HCM, and UHCM, respectively) as extenders for indigenous cock semen and to compare the effects of these diluents to sodium citrate (Na-citrate), and physiological saline (saline) on semen quality parameters including storage time under ambient conditions. A total of 65 chickens: 50 hens (55 weeks of age and actively in lay) and 15 cocks (~2 years old, 1.8-2.0 kg body weight (P<0.05) held in individual cages were used for the study which lasted for 5 wk. There were 5 treatments (10 hens and 3 cocks each) namely raw semen (T1), Na-citrate (T2), HCM (T3), UHCM (T4) and saline (T5). There were significant (P<0.05) main effects of dilution, diluent type and storage time and interaction effect of diluent type × storage time on the traits measured. SPM and TMS were highest for semen diluted in Na-citrate, HCM and saline compared to UHCM. Semen diluted in Na-citrate and HCM gave highest fertility compared to saline and UHCM. Hatchability was highest for semen diluted in Na-citrate followed by HCM. Undiluted semen and semen diluted in UHCM differed significantly (P<0.05) in their effects on SPM, fertility and hatchability of eggs. SPM was 0.00% by 80 min post dilution in UHCM extender but 52.9±1.69, 40.5±0.90, and 40.2±0.77% for Na-citrate, HCM, and saline, respectively at 100 min. Heated coconut milk could therefore be used as diluent for semen proposed for short duration (≤ 100 min).

Keywords: Ambient conditions; fertility; hatchability; diluent; sperm motility; storage time
To cite this article: Ogbu CC, SOC Ugwu and CV Ezebili, 2014. Use of coconut milk as an extender for cock semen. Res. Opin. Anim. Vet. Sci., 4(10): 571-577.

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